
About Us
About Us

It is considered that steel and iron have been used for almost 5000 years. There are two different stories about the origins of steel usage. Some believe that iron processing was discovered after a fire in Mount Kaz, while others believe that humans processed iron from falling meteors.

Although it is unknown for how long the metals have been processed, its durability, short production steps, easiness to shape, being checkable with a bare eye, its recyclability, make steel valuable for us. Today, use of steel has become widespread in various fields of jobs all around the world, and especially its utilization in the construction industry may be considered as a revolution. Because steel is economic in every way. Apart from being economic, steel is recyclable and eco-friendly. It is very important for steel to be used as a construction material in Turkey, which is located in the 1st-degree earthquake zone. It is thanks to steel that the durability of the house is ensured by the steel that is used in its foundation. Therefore, steel is highly important for our security. 

Our company, which was founded by Emrah POLAT in 2011, and received the METALIKON steel structuring LTD title in 2013, aims to break new grounds in steel and iron works, to build works of art by combining the power of steel with aesthetics. METALIKON, whose aim is to serve first to Turkey, and then the rest of the countries, is moving with steady and fast steps. The only thing you can hear about us in the upcoming years is the expression of “an ICON in the metal-steel field.”